How Often Should You Do AC Maintenance? 

The temperatures are heating up outside, and your AC is trying harder than ever before to keep your house comfy. You could be reviewing, how often should you do AC maintenance in the U.S.? If you didn’t this spring, you’ve got time to get the benefits from this crucial seasonal service! Here are some explanations on why your air conditioner has to have air conditioning maintenance each spring. 

A scheduled appointment is better than a surprise repair. 

Annual maintenance is an affordable charge you can predict and brace for. It also provides your HVAC specialist a time to find trouble early and do less expensive air conditioning repairs before they create costly destruction. You don’t want your air conditioning to fail during the muggiest days of summer (a forgotten cooling system frequently break when it’s exerting itself the hardest, on the hottest day). Annual work on your cooling system will make it less likely to die and have to have any other service this year, saving you money and providing you satisfaction all season long. 

Your energy charges will get cheaper. 

A well-maintained system performs effortlessly and efficiently. This means it consumes less power, emits less pollutants, and diminishes your utility expenses. That alone is often enough for the cost of seasonal maintenance to pay for itself, making it a great regular investment. 

Your system will last longer. 

As if the savings from fewer failures and lower energy bills weren’t enough, seasonal cooling system maintenance also helps your family’s AC stick around longer. You can expect to get a a handful of additional years out of a maintained home comfort system compared to a neglected one. This bit of information will probably save you a chunk of change in the long run, simply by setting up annual preventive maintenance. 

Your family will feel cooler. 

Most of the functions performed during service visits help your AC cool your space more efficiently. Expect better airflow, decreased hot and cold spots, better humidity removal and almost noiseless operation. These improvements make sure your space remains cool even when the temp skyrockets outside. 

Your warranty requires regular maintenance. 

If your system is still under warranty, look through your policy. You will probably find that replacement elements are just covered if you can show that you maintain the air conditioner routinely. This is because the companies who make the systems realize that regular service visits can help ward off malfunctions. Be sure to maintain a log of your maintenance appointments as documentation in the event you ever need to put in a claim. 

A wealth of reputable organizations suggest seasonal maintenance. 

Are you confident the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Energy and ENERGY STAR® won’t lead you astray? If so, remember that these dependable organizations all agree that annual AC maintenance is indispensable for lessening emergency repairs, maximizing energy efficiency, and increasing the life cycle of your cooling equipment. 

Service Experts Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing delivers first-class air conditioner services to households throughout the U.S. and Canada. Choose our Experts to take care of your air conditioning and you’ll have the advantage of a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee* at 866-397-3787 now. 

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